The main guidelines for the management of fistula-related infections
Edited by Dr. Marisa Pegoraro, a nurse specializing in haemodialysis at the Niguarda Ca’ Granda Hosp...
Read moreEMOSTAN is a highly absorbent non-adherent fistula pad, suitable for the compression on the needles’ holes at the end of dialysis or to contain exudate at the end of transfusions.
The advantage of EMOSTAN is that it reduces post-treatment bleeding due to the continuous compression it exerts on the fistula and at the same time creates a protective barrier against infection. Unlike standard pads, EMOSTAN has a special non-adherent biocompatible layer, which means that it adheres less to the injured skin and allows atraumatic and residue-free removal.
Edited by Dr. Marisa Pegoraro, a nurse specializing in haemodialysis at the Niguarda Ca’ Granda Hosp...
Read moreEdited by Dr. Marisa Pegoraro Another interesting article on a central theme for those undergoing ha...
Read moreEdited by Dr. Maurizio Alberto Gallieni, Associate Professor of Nephrology at the University of Mila...
Read moreEdited by Dr. Maurizio Alberto Gallieni, Associate Professor of Nephrology at the University of Mila...
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