
Edited by: Dr. Maurizio Alberto Gallieni, Associate Professor of Nephrology at the University of Milan. Since 2018 Director of the Complex Operational Unit of Nephrology and Dialysis of the ASST (Local healthcare area) Fatebenefratelli Sacco of Milan. Author of over 200 scientific publications, indexed in the PubMed database of the National Library of Medicine. He is a member of various Scientific Societies, also has coordination positions and is the Editor for Italian and foreign journals of Nephrology. In another article by Prof. Gallieni, we talked about venous vascular accesses and the diseases for which they are carried out. CVCs are delicate points...

Edited by: Dr. Matthias Rudolf Hermann Zeiler, since 2004 Medical Director of the Nephrology and Dialysis Unit of the Carlo Urbani Hospital in Jesi in the Marche region, with a managerial role in coordinating clinical research activities since 2008. Member of the Italian Society of Nephrology and the Gesellschaft für Nephrologie (German Society of Nephrology) and reviewer for the Peritoneal Dialysis International, Clinics and Practice and Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation journals. WHEN WE SPEAK ABOUT HOME DIALYSIS, WE REFER TO TWO TYPES OF DIALYSIS: HOME HAEMODIALYSIS AND PERITONEAL DIALYSIS.   In this guide, Dr. Zeiler summarizes the characteristics that are common to both types...

Edited by Marisa Pegoraro In our Hospitals and Dialysis Centres there is a growing tendency to use the so-called Buttonhole technique, also and above all for those who choose home dialysis. It is important to understand what it consists of, when it can be used and how to maintain its fistula. Marisa Pegoraro talks about it below. The Buttonhole technique – literally an eyelet, buttonhole – requires the needles to be placed in exactly the same point and with the same inclination and position for each dialysis session. Before inserting the needles, the area must be washed, disinfected and the scabs removed...

Edited by Dr. Maurizio Alberto Gallieni, Associate Professor of Nephrology at the University of Milan. Since 2018 Director of the Complex Operational Unit of Nephrology and Dialysis of the ASST (Local healthcare area) Fatebenefratelli Sacco of Milan. Author of over 200 scientific publications, indexed in the PubMed database of the National Library of Medicine. He is a member of various Scientific Societies, also has coordination positions and is the Editor for Italian and foreign journals of Nephrology. The risk of healthcare associated infections exists both in hospital and in out-of-hospital settings and is increasing dangerously. The number of HAI associated fatalities is worrying. Health institutions do...