Emodial has designed and developed more than 200 devices and dressings for vascular access management.

The design and the materials used guarantee maximum safety before and after dialysis treatment and for the sterile sealing of the vascular accesses.

Emodial’s innovative capacity can be seen by the quality certifications it has obtained and the patents registered.

Our flexible production methods mean that we can also create customized procedure kits, specifically adapted to the needs of healthcare professionals and hospitals, to provide greater safety and guarantee dressing results.



The arteriovenous fistula – or more simply AVF – is the vascular access that is most commonly used for dialysis: an artificial channel, created surgically, between a vein and an artery.

Emodial has created specific advanced dressings for the management and care of AVF such as fistula compression pads and patches that release silver ions, providing an immediate antibacterial action and reduce arteriovenous fistula infections.



The central venous catheter – CVC – is a medical device that is usually inserted into a central vein.
The choice of access may depend on several factors, including the type of therapy that the patient has to undergo. The CVC is not only used in dialysis, but also in intensive care, chemotherapy and parenteral nutrition.
Compared to other types of access, CVC poses a greater risk of infection.
For its treatment, Emodial has developed a wide range of advanced dressings that contain silver because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.



Peritoneal dialysis, as an alternative to haemodialysis, makes use of the natural filtering and purifying function of the peritoneum: a membrane in the body that contains the abdominal organs and acts as an internal lining of the walls of the abdomen.
The peritoneum, in contact with the dialysis fluid, performs endogenous purification, i.e. inside the body, preserving the residual renal function and safeguarding the vascular heritage.
Thanks to home dialysis machines, this therapy can be carried out at home, in complete or almost complete autonomy.
To enable patients to carry out this type of therapy at home and in complete safety, Emodial has designed special, easy to use dressings that help to prevent infections.



This is a unique product created specifically for protecting the catheter during activities that involve contact with water.
This waterproof pocket is tested, guaranteed and easy to apply in complete autonomy. Not only does it allow the catheter to be completely isolated and protected when showering and taking a bath but also when swimming in a pool or in the sea.
Its square or rectangular shape allows the entire area of the catheter to be covered.



In addition to advanced dressings, Emodial offers a series of generic products and accessories for dialysis therapies: pads, gauzes, fistula compression devices and needle disposal devices.




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